Cooling of valve heads reduces thermal load: For minimum wear
Installation even under the most difficult ambient conditions: Thanks to dedicated water cooling of the compressor block
Low compression temperatures and operating temperatures: thanks to a multi-stage compression process
Fully equipped: with soft starting and B-CONTROL II
The combination of the screw compressor and high-pressure booster enables a high level of free air delivery with compact dimensions. The compression process involves 3 respectively 5 stages, keeping compression temperatures to a minimum.
By using targeted water cooling between the interstage and afterstage coolers and valve heads, the system enables the majority of the heat produced to be absorbed by the cooling water.
As a result, these industrial high-pressure compressors require very little maintenance and achieve long service lives. At the same time, they are quieter than comparable air-cooled compressors and designed specifically for continuous use in industrial applications (heavy-duty use).
water-cooled compressors,
110 / 365 / 420 / 520 / 520 bar
Monitoring of pressure and temperature
This add-on module for the B-CONTROL II control monitors the pressures and temperatures of all compressor stages.Heat exchanger set
The set consists of an air-to-water heat exchanger which makes it possible to operate water-cooled compressor units independently of a water supply. -
2020-11-03 900XHH-1150XH系列柴油机驱动高风压双段式螺杆空压机.pdf
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